Key Hightlights
School Dental Oral Health Screening Camp organised by Sri Aurobindo College of Dentistry
A School Dental Oral Health Screening Camp was organised by Pediatric and Preventive Dentistry in Pratibhasthali school, Rewati Range, Indore. The camp was organised for school children along with the staff of the school. They were told about the importance of teeth and live demonstrations of brushing techniques were given.
More than 250 + children were examined and the team was lead by Dr. Updesh Masih ( Prof & Head),Dr. Dr. Khushboo Barjatya ( Professor ), Dr. Binti Chand ( Reader ) Dr Nidhi, Dr priya, Dr Farah ( PG students ) and shubham, shivani, shailender, shilpika ( interns )